¡ Viva la Vida ! center
To offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the Respect and Love they deserve.

How the ¡Viva la Vida! Center works
Foundations of the lifestyle
Life at the ¡Viva la Vida! Center is based on the following three pillars: Pangaia, Love, Abundancia.
Pangaia – a life close to nature
At the ¡Viva la Vida! center, everyone lives at the very heart of nature, in direct contact with earthly and cosmic energies, in harmony with the climate and the seasons, in communion with the plants and energies of the place, in osmosis with the Universe.
Nature is the Nurturing Mother
who balances children
on a physical and energetic level
Love – a life governed by love
At the ¡Viva la Vida! center, everyone is invited to let Love blossom in their lives: self-love, love of life, love of those around them, love of what we do, of what we experience… Love is the great opposing force to fear. Once we’re free of fear, then appears a real, authentic and profound Love that can express itself and flourish.
Love is the medicine
that heals children
on an emotional level
Abundancia – a life of abundance
At the ¡Viva la Vida! center, everyone can follow the call of their soul, feel what moves them at the deepest level of their being, and act accordingly. We are all responsible for creating abundance in our lives: abundance of well-being, joy, peace, harmony, accomplishment and fulfillment.
Abundance is the Remedy
that harmonizes children
on a spiritual level

What is the ¡Viva la Vida! Center
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is not a hospital.
In a hospital, qualified specialists wage a relentless battle against diseases, parasites and infectious agents. They use anti-life drugs: antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antivirals, antifungals, fever reducers…
The ¡Viva la Vida! center is
a center for the regeneration of health.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, each individual is guided in a quest to move in the direction of life, by respecting the natural laws that in principle enable the organism to function perfectly as originally intended by the Creator. By allowing life to express itself, the body is miraculously rebalanced, regenerating and returning to a state of full health.
Irène Grosjean asserts: « We don’t fight the cold, we add warmth. We don’t fight darkness, we add light. Similarly, in naturopathy, we don’t fight disease, we add health. »
Thus, at the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, by adopting a lifestyle conducive to full health, illnesses in general, and cancer in particular, disappear as they are naturally eliminated by the body, which returns to its original state of full health.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is not a school.
In a school, children are supervised, directed and taught by adults.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is a school of life.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, children are free to lead their lives as they wish. They learn directly from the experiences they have, according to their own interests, age and aspirations: learning about the animal and plant life that surrounds them, discovering the fruit trees and other food plants that nourish them, cooking recipes, playing in nature, artistic expression… Everyday life is the direct medium for learning that enriches the children.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is not a hotel-restaurant.
In a hotel-restaurant, residents are served (meals, cleaning, etc.) by employees at their service.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is a living center.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, each resident is fully responsible for the tasks required to support his or her material life: maintaining and cleaning living areas, preparing meals, tidying up material objects, washing dishes or clothes… are important and noble tasks that are part of daily life. They are carried out with pleasure and integrated harmoniously into the rhythm of the day.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is not a vacation center.
In a tourist or vacation center, residents come just to take a quick tour, visit the surrounding area, spend a few days discovering a few local sights, and then leave straight back to their established lives.
The ¡Viva la Vida! Center is a place to live.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, residents stay for several weeks, giving them the time to experience the art of living in harmony with nature, and to regenerate their health. This extended stay allows them to really understand and integrate all the particularities of this way of life close to nature.

The ¡Viva la Vida! Center´s values
Life at the ¡Viva la Vida! Center is governed by a set of values designed to help us live a natural, healthy and happy life together.
These values apply to everyone at the Center, including of course the children. They are broad principles to be applied with the aim of ensuring a harmonious life for everyone.
It’s essential that everyone shows respect:
• Respect for oneself
• Respect for others
• Respect for living beings: plants, animals
• Respect for place, structures and objects.
The main rule is harmlessness, which means not to harm anyone or anything. The main principle is not to do to others what you would not want done to you, and to do to others what you would want done to you.
It’s important for everyone to be able to express themselves whenever they want, with respect, openness and honesty. Everyone must feel free to speak up and dare to share their feelings when they feel the need. It is essential that everyone feels fully accepted and listened to.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, everyone is invited to behave like a member of the same family, or like an organ in the same body.
We all know best what we can contribute to the collective, with our own aptitudes, qualities and abilities. We’re all different, but each of us has our own importance and role to play.
Everyone must feel free to think as they wish, speak as they feel and act as they wish, as long as this does not harm others. Each person’s freedom ends where the other’s begins.
Everyone, child or adult, is free to follow what he or she feels in order to feel good at every moment.
Everyone is called upon to take responsibility for his or her words and actions, and to fully accept the consequences.
Everyone has the right to make a mistake, but it’s important to recognize when you’ve made a mistake, understand why, learn the lesson and do everything you can to avoid doing it again.
Regardless of age, everyone is encouraged to take charge of their own life as soon as possible. The idea is to appropriate space and time so as to feel increasingly autonomous in day-to-day life.
Love is the great force behind life at the ¡Viva la Vida! Center. Ultimately, it will be the main medicine that will invisibly heal the children. In this spirit, everyone is invited to demonstrate compassion, benevolence, solidarity, generosity and gratitude…
Together, these seven values provide a guideline for the smooth running of life at ¡Viva la Vida! Everyone is asked to do his or her utmost to ensure that life is truly happy and harmonious for each and every resident.
In this, we place ourselves in the spirit of Albert Schweitzer’s words: « The ideal is to us what a star is to a sailor. It can not be attainable, but it remains a guide. »

« If your child has cancer, it means that his or her body is no longer able to withstand the level of stress to which it is subjected, as a result of an environment and lifestyle that are carcinogenic by definition.
Thanks to the law of homeostasis, the body is able to destroy the cancer cells it has produced itself.
However, this implies making radical changes in your life, by choosing to move towards an environment and lifestyle that I call «carcinofugal», which means conducive to the disappearance of cancer… »
Claire Loiseleur is founder and animator of the ¡Viva la Vida! center, whose mission is to offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the respect and love they deserve. To find out more, see the ¡Viva la Vida! center´s presentation, the registration form and videos on childhood cancer:
Go to the YouTube channel ¡VIVA LA VIDA! Center – english :

See the Facebook page : The Viva la Vida center

Le groupe Facebook OFFRIR À MON ENFANT CANCÉREUX UNE GUÉRISON NATURELLE est un lieu d’échanges courtois et chaleureux sur le thème de La guérison du cancer pédiatrique par des méthodes naturelles. Il est ouvert à tous les parents dont un enfant est atteint par le cancer et qui sont curieux de découvrir dans quelle mesure les clés de la santé naturelle pourraient permettre de régénérer la santé de leur enfant. L’objectif est de nous entraider mutuellement pour aller de l’avant, au-delà des obstacles qui se présentent à nous, en vue d’offrir aux enfants cancéreux une guérison naturelle avec tout le respect et l’amour qu’ils méritent.

« Your child’s health is in your hands
and you can take action right now, before it’s too late… »