To Build A New World Governed By Love
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¡ Viva la Vida ! center

To offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the Respect and Love they deserve.

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Healing childhood cancer naturally

How to cure cancer naturally?

The natural health approach does not seek to « kill cancer » as if it were an evil enemy to be slaughtered. It’s about understanding the process and seeking to turn back the clock by acting directly on the causes to enable the body to rebalance itself.
The aim is to restore health, and illness will disappear on its own, just as cold disappears when heat is brought in, or darkness disappears when light is brought in.

Stopping all sources of intoxication
  • no stress
  • no negative emotions
  • no industrial or toxic foods
  • no chemicals

Replacing with beneficial elements
  • living in direct contact with Nature, to benefit from the five regenerating elements: pure air, pure water, sun, humus-rich earth, ether of life,
  • eating healthy, living, local, seasonal and varied food in moderate quantities,
  • giving the body extended periods of digestive rest every day,
  • taking the time to live quietly and relax,
  • cultivating positive emotions of love, peace, joy, trust, benevolence, respect and tolerance,
  • adopting a rhythm of life in harmony with Nature, respecting chronobiology.

Samuel Et Sylvain

Understanding that the body is self-healing

If we accompany the process correctly, the body is capable of destroying, eliminating or recycling every harmful cell, cancerous or otherwise,… in a very precise way, better than a scalpel…

It is essential to have total faith in the intelligence of the body and the processes that take place within it. It’s a question of not intervening against what’s happening. The body knows what it’s doing; it wants to heal itself and live healthily.

Our role is to enable this miracle to happen, by offering the body the right circumstances to trigger the self-healing process.

Enabling the body to detoxify

There’s a natural mechanism called autophagy: a catabolic process that consists in destroying vitiated tissues during fasting phases. The body then enters a state of ketosis, which is the secret of cancer-free people. (see Jean-Pierre Wilhem’s book in French : LE SECRET DES PEUPLES SANS CANCER, not yet translated in English).

The principle is to deprive cancer cells of water and sugar, causing them to die of thirst and hunger. The body in a state of fasting kills cancer cells first. This process occurs spontaneously during daily fasting phases.

It’s all about realizing that the body always seeks to heal itself as soon as we stop preventing it from doing so. This is known as the law of homeostasis, which states that the body, left to its own devices in the absence of external disturbances, spontaneously returns to its state of equilibrium after a certain period of time.

Eliminating toxins

After the detoxification phase, which leads to the recirculation of toxic waste, the body must eliminate this waste via the emunctories: kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin.

To best support this elimination process, we can encourage it by:

  • clay poultices, as clay absorbs toxic substances like a sponge and drains them outwards
  • aloe vera, used internally or externally, as this plant is a real natural soap
  • laxatives to support intestinal elimination: chia or flax seeds, prunes, papaya, etc.
  • diuretics to support elimination by the kidneys: juices, depurative herbal teas, watermelon, etc.

Enabling healthy rebuilding of the body

The aim is to stimulate healthy rebuilding of tissues and the immune system through :

  • sufficient rest phases
  • direct contact with the natural elements
  • positive emotions
  • a healthy lifestyle
  • an appropriate diet
  • lacto-fermented foods
Enfants à La Rivière

Towards a carcinofugal lifestyle

The word « carcinofugal » doesn’t exist in the dictionary. It’s a word I invented, and to me it means the opposite of carcinogenic.

Carcinogenic means conducive to the development of cancer.

According to my definition, carcinofugal means conducive to the disappearance of cancer.

We can be sure of this, and eliminate any fear of it : cancer will never come back if we don’t allow the internal environment to become vitiated.

To achieve this, it’s essential to understand the keys to a healthy lifestyle:

  • adopting a balanced rhythm of life, alternating between phases of rest and activity, between anabolism and catabolism, between stimulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
  • ensuring regular elimination of waste products, whenever the body needs them
  • supporting elimination crises in the form of infections or inflammation with understanding, intelligence and love
  • developping positive emotions
  • strengthening the body through the law of Hormesis, by developing resistance to cold, heat, physical exercise, fasting and hypoxia
  • spiritually, believing in it, wanting it, doing the right thing, supporting healing and giving thanks
Samuel Liane

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« If your child has cancer, it means that his or her body is no longer able to withstand the level of stress to which it is subjected, as a result of an environment and lifestyle that are carcinogenic by definition.

Thanks to the law of homeostasis, the body is able to destroy the cancer cells it has produced itself.

However, this implies making radical changes in your life, by choosing to move towards an environment and lifestyle that I call «carcinofugal», which means conducive to the disappearance of cancer… »

Claire Loiseleur is founder and animator of the ¡Viva la Vida! center, whose mission is to offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the respect and love they deserve. To find out more, see the ¡Viva la Vida! center´s presentation, the registration form and videos on childhood cancer:

Go to the YouTube channel ¡VIVA LA VIDA! Center – english :

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See the Facebook page : The Viva la Vida center

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Le groupe Facebook OFFRIR À MON ENFANT CANCÉREUX UNE GUÉRISON NATURELLE est un lieu d’échanges courtois et chaleureux sur le thème de La guérison du cancer pédiatrique par des méthodes naturelles. Il est ouvert à tous les parents dont un enfant est atteint par le cancer et qui sont curieux de découvrir dans quelle mesure les clés de la santé naturelle pourraient permettre de régénérer la santé de leur enfant. L’objectif est de nous entraider mutuellement pour aller de l’avant, au-delà des obstacles qui se présentent à nous, en vue d’offrir aux enfants cancéreux une guérison naturelle avec tout le respect et l’amour qu’ils méritent.

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Groupe Facebook Offrir à Mon Enfant Cancéreux

Jaune Vidéos D'interpellation

« Your child’s health is in your hands
and you can take action right now, before it’s too late… »

Vert Vidéos D'enseignement

« Remember that Life is a mystery to be discovered,
a gift to appreciate, a source to protect,
an ally to respect and a seed to nurture.

Take good care of Life, so that it may flourish
and express its full potential.

Listen to your heart, which will always guide you
to Light, Peace, Joy and Love. »