The book CHILDHOOD CANCER : STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS is part of the Lights for a New World books presented on the Youtube channel and Facebook page entitled : Lights for a New World
What I call the New World is an ideal world in which we dream of living, which means a better world, a more beautiful world, a fairer world, a more harmonious world, a more pleasant world to live in and, ultimately, a happier world. A world free of fear and ego games. A world governed by the forces of authentic, unconditional and universal love. A world where peace, joy, tolerance and benevolence have become the norm.
Gandhi said: « Be the change you want to see in the world », and it’s up to each of us to act at our own level to build this New World right now. Let’s stop criticizing everything we don’t like on this Earth: it’s a waste of time and energy!
Let’s put on our glasses of love, and together, let’s be the courageous builders of a better world, more and more in line with the ideal we feel in our hearts, knowing that, as Albert Schweitzer said: « The ideal remains for us what a star is for the sailor. It cannot be reached, but it remains a guide. »