To Build A New World Governed By Love
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¡ Viva la Vida ! center

To offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the Respect and Love they deserve.

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Teaching videos on childhood cancer

Principles and techniques used at the ¡Viva la Vida! Center


Here are the 7 principles I apply at ¡Viva la Vida! to support the natural healing of children diagnosed with cancer:

1- harmlessness

2- freedom

3- patience

4- acceptance

5- listening

6- trust

7- gratitude


Here are the 8 techniques I use at the Centre ¡Viva la Vida! to support the natural healing of children diagnosed with cancer:

1- chronobiology

2- rest

3- direct contact with nature

4- positive emotions

5- empathetic touch

6- physical exercise

7- natural remedies

8- a healthy diet

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« Remember that life is a mystery to be discovered, a gift to be appreciated, a source to be protected, an ally to be respected and a seed to be nurtured.

Take good care of life
to allow it to flourish
and express its full potential.

Listen to your heart, which will always guide you
to Light, Peace, Joy and Love. »

Claire Loiseleur is founder and animator of the ¡Viva la Vida! center, whose mission is to offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the respect and love they deserve. To find out more, see the ¡Viva la Vida! center´s presentation, the registration form and videos on childhood cancer:

Go to the YouTube channel ¡VIVA LA VIDA! Center – english :

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Youtube Channel Viva La Vida Center

See the Facebook page : The Viva la Vida center

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Page Facebook Centre Viva La Vida

Le groupe Facebook OFFRIR À MON ENFANT CANCÉREUX UNE GUÉRISON NATURELLE est un lieu d’échanges courtois et chaleureux sur le thème de La guérison du cancer pédiatrique par des méthodes naturelles. Il est ouvert à tous les parents dont un enfant est atteint par le cancer et qui sont curieux de découvrir dans quelle mesure les clés de la santé naturelle pourraient permettre de régénérer la santé de leur enfant. L’objectif est de nous entraider mutuellement pour aller de l’avant, au-delà des obstacles qui se présentent à nous, en vue d’offrir aux enfants cancéreux une guérison naturelle avec tout le respect et l’amour qu’ils méritent.

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Groupe Facebook Offrir à Mon Enfant Cancéreux

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« If your child has cancer, it means that his or her body is no longer able to withstand the level of stress to which it is subjected, as a result of an environment and lifestyle that are carcinogenic by definition.

Thanks to the law of homeostasis, the body is able to destroy the cancer cells it has produced itself.

However, this implies making radical changes in your life, by choosing to move towards an environment and lifestyle that I call “carcinofugal”, which means conducive to the disappearance of cancer… »