¡ Viva la Vida ! center
To offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the Respect and Love they deserve.

Taking a different look at childhood cancer
Vision on childhood cancer
The ¡Viva la Vida! center’s mission is based on the premise that cancer is an alarm signal from the body, indicating an imbalance in the organism.
When the petrol warning light in a car flashes red, the intelligent response is to understand the message “low on petrol, imminent risk of breakdown” and to respond appropriately, which means to fill the tank with petrol. It would be foolish and inappropriate to remove this irritating flasher by disconnecting the wires, for example. This would not fundamentally solve the problem, and would inevitably lead to fuel exhaustion.
The same applies to cancer. The often anarchic appearance and multiplication of cancer cells signals a profound metabolic imbalance in the body. It’s a sign that the body is saturated with an excess of toxins which cause a strong acidification of the internal environment, thus becoming conducive to the propagation of cancer cells. This imbalance is the result of an inadequate lifestyle that fails to respect the real needs of the human body in terms of overall physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
At the ¡Viva la Vida! Center, we believe that cancer is the consequence of a carcinogenic lifestyle, which means one that favours the appearance of cancer. We take up the words of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who said that “if you’re ill, first find out what you did to become ill” and “when someone wants to be healthy, you must first ask him if he is prepared to eliminate the causes of his illness. Only then is it possible to help him”.
Demystifying cancer
To help a child with cancer regenerate naturally, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of the cancer phenomenon: what is cancer? Why does it develop? How can cancer be cured? How can we move towards a cancer-free lifestyle?
What is cancer?
The appearance of cancer is not the result of an accident or external aggression (virus, snake, wild animal, bacteria, etc.).
Cancer is an internal physiological mechanism foreseen by the body, which is intelligent and well-designed. Every cell in the body is potentially pre-cancerous, which explains why cancer can develop in any part of the body: skin, liver, nose, leg, kidneys, etc.
Cancer is the body’s fourth level of intoxication:
– level 1: infection
– level 2: inflammation
– level 3: candidiasis
– level 4: cancer, tumor
Cancer is an intelligent mechanism of the body for storing and “cornering” excess toxins that it has failed to eliminate, and which would otherwise be devastating and potentially dangerous to internal organs.
Why? Where does cancer come from?
The development of cancer is not a matter of chance, bad luck or fate, nor is it a punishment from Life or God.
The development of cancer is the result of the law of cause and effect, the neutral law of the universe. If I put my finger near a flame, it’s going to burn, whether I’m nice or mean, tall or short, fat or thin. Similarly, if I put my finger under the blade of a knife, it will cut itself.
What causes cancer? It has been observed that an overly acidic and anaerobic internal environment is conducive to the development of cancer cells. In a healthy, well-balanced, well-oxygenated internal environment with a sufficiently basic pH, it is impossible for cancer cells to develop and multiply. Cancer arises from an imbalance in internal metabolism due to an excess of toxins.
Toxins are acidic in nature. In excess, they cause an acid-base imbalance, leading to anaerobic fermentation processes. Cancer cells always multiply in an anaerobic environment.
The development of cancer is the consequence of a large-scale production of toxins, far in excess of the body’s capacity to eliminate waste. Waste is produced at a rapid pace, leaving the body neither the time nor the circumstances to eliminate it as it goes along. An imbalance is created. In this emergency situation, the body produces cancer cells, which is the “best solution” it has found to cope with this high level of intoxication, endangering the entire organism.
Excess toxins are linked to..:
- too much stress: life schedules, psychological pressures, noise…
- too many pollutants: in the air, in water, in buildings, in industrial products: body creams, detergents, “cleaning” chemicals, etc.
- too many negative emotions: fear, criticism, blame, resentment…
- a devitalized, toxic diet from industrial agriculture or the agri-food industry
- a lack of rest
- a lack of fasting and detoxification phases
The body has accumulated. Enough is enough! Cancer is a warning signal that the body is in danger, having reached the limits of its adaptive capacity.

« If your child has cancer, it means that his or her body is no longer able to withstand the level of stress to which it is subjected, as a result of an environment and lifestyle that are carcinogenic by definition.
Thanks to the law of homeostasis, the body is able to destroy the cancer cells it has produced itself.
However, this implies making radical changes in your life, by choosing to move towards an environment and lifestyle that I call «carcinofugal», which means conducive to the disappearance of cancer… »
Claire Loiseleur is founder and animator of the ¡Viva la Vida! center, whose mission is to offer children with cancer a natural regeneration of their health with all the respect and love they deserve. To find out more, see the ¡Viva la Vida! center´s presentation, the registration form and videos on childhood cancer:
Go to the YouTube channel ¡VIVA LA VIDA! Center – english :

See the Facebook page : The Viva la Vida center

Le groupe Facebook OFFRIR À MON ENFANT CANCÉREUX UNE GUÉRISON NATURELLE est un lieu d’échanges courtois et chaleureux sur le thème de La guérison du cancer pédiatrique par des méthodes naturelles. Il est ouvert à tous les parents dont un enfant est atteint par le cancer et qui sont curieux de découvrir dans quelle mesure les clés de la santé naturelle pourraient permettre de régénérer la santé de leur enfant. L’objectif est de nous entraider mutuellement pour aller de l’avant, au-delà des obstacles qui se présentent à nous, en vue d’offrir aux enfants cancéreux une guérison naturelle avec tout le respect et l’amour qu’ils méritent.

« Your child’s health is in your hands
and you can take action right now, before it’s too late… »